With the apparent downturn in coal and iron ore mining, seems the QLD and Federal Government are looking for alternative incomes from mining.
Whether you’re for or against Uranium mining the news certainly brings some positive news to areas such as Mount Isa and Cloncurry which has massive deposits of uranium.
Queensland moves forward with overturn of uranium ban
Tuesday, October 23, 2012 by Bevis Yeo

Queensland uranium explorers have much to cheer about after the State Government overturned the decades old ban on mining the resource.
Explorers who have spent money on exploration over the years will finally have the opportunity to make good on their investment by moving towards development and exports.
Premier Campbell Newman said the decision was spurred on by Prime Minister Julia Gillard’s recent moves to allow uranium sales to India.
The civil nuclear co-operation agreement, which could take one to two years to finalise, is expected to pave the way for commercial negotiations on uranium exports.
“There is no earthly reason why Queenslanders should miss out on the economic opportunities and the jobs from uranium mining in this state.”
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